Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I don't like him on free trade, I don't like him much on health care, but Barack Obama might have locked up my vote this morning. His speech this morning was the most eloquent of my lifetime and possibly the most important. Race remains this nation's original sin. Those who say Obama is all talk and no substance must now answer a very difficult question of their own candidate. "How is he or she addressing the fundamental problem of this nation?"
Hillary's answer was typical of her. She announced that race is very important to discuss and then went on to discuss anything but.
McCain was halfway around the world insisting for much of the day that Iran was supplying Al-Qaeda.
I am beginning to agree with Andrew Shepherd. Being president is all about character. Hillary's is revealed in her explanations of why she didn't bother with the intelligence on Iraq. McCain's has been revealed in his survival of both Vietnam and the primary, his association with the Keating 5 and his reliance on lobbyists, thus he remains to be revealed.
I see no way for Hillary to survive at this point. To get the nomination she must not only address the issues raised in the speech, but also somehow match both the style and the substance. It is unlikely.

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