Monday, September 19, 2011

Romo revisted

But first a note. Today starts my new policy of beginning each post with the phrase "live nude girls" to see if it spikes my page views. Sorry, no photos, but we will speak of the manly arts today.

Romo was remarkable yesterday, from what I can tell from the highlights and the media coverage. (I'd like to thank the NFL, Congress and the idiotic, unAmerican policy of blacking out the Cowboys in Houston). Broken ribs are tough and I think he took a small step forward. As I said last week, it's easy to like this guy and it's easy to see why his teammates like him and his performance will help in the locker room.

Will it help him with the fans? Who cares? Doesn't matter what you think, doesn't matter what I think. What matters is if its really a step forward and if Romo will learn that winning can be painful, but it's worth going through that pain. He gave a Meredith-esque performance yesterday. Let's see if he keeps it going.

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